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 NEW PRICE! Catalina 25 for sale, Cocoa Beach, FL.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Leon Sisson Posted - 12/09/2024 : 10:15:16
Hi all,

I'm finally selling my 1979 Catalina 25 with tandem axle trailer, Yamaha 9.9 outboard, and as much other boat stuff as I can get you to take.  Buyer can probably make back hundreds by selling off extra gear included.  The boat is extremely well equipped for day sailing and coastal cruising.  I sailed it to the Bahamas without problems.  However, the cabin needs cleaning and organizing.

If you search these forums for user name "Leon Sisson" and check [x] Archived Posts, you will find lots of detailed info about the boat and work done to it.  So, where are you guys who in the past said, "If you ever decide to sell this boat, I want it!" 

Here are two links to an exceedingly detailed description of the boat:
I plan to update those two web pages as time permits, and as I think of things to add.  Suggestions are encouraged.

I'm now asking $8,500 to start, but I'm open to reasonable offers after seeing the boat.

— Leon Sisson
(edited to lower price)

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