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 CD Main sail and 155 Genoa

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AcctngDude Posted - 06/20/2024 : 14:26:28
Good condition main sail and roller furling 155 Genoa sail. $300 for both sails. You pick up or pay shipping. Includes battens and sail bags. No rips, tears or repairs. Contact me for pictures, unsure how to post with photos.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GaryB Posted - 09/15/2024 : 02:52:01
Originally posted by bigelowp

It appears you are located in Texas. Please comment if these are standard or tall rig.

I am in Texas near Houston and my boat is a standard rig but I'm not the one selling the sails.

I might be interested in a main sail if someone has a decent one for sale and the price is right.
bigelowp Posted - 09/01/2024 : 14:17:09
It appears you are located in Texas. Please comment if these are standard or tall rig.
pboily Posted - 08/17/2024 : 17:20:37
Is this still available?
GaryB Posted - 06/21/2024 : 22:03:33
Originally posted by AcctngDude

Good condition main sail and roller furling 155 Genoa sail. $300 for both sails. You pick up or pay shipping. Includes battens and sail bags. No rips, tears or repairs. Contact me for pictures, unsure how to post with photos.

I'm possibly interested. Where are you located? C25 standard rig or tall rig? How old are these sails?

Please send photos when you have a moment.

hawkfurystang at gmail dot com.

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