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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Greemo Posted - 09/03/2024 : 13:47:35
Hello friends:

We want to add a bimini to our C-250, but since Catalina Direct wants $1,300 for theirs, we are wondering if there are any good off-brand options. Does anyone have any experience in the topic?

Thanks in advance,

Kostis and Christina
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Greemo Posted - 09/05/2024 : 06:54:57
Thank you, Mark!
Little Wind Posted - 09/05/2024 : 03:38:06
Empire Covers has tremendous prices for bimini tops and frames. They are mostly designed with the power boater in mind but you could buy one and have it modified for the C250 split backstay. I will probably do the same in the next year. Check them out here:
Greemo Posted - 09/03/2024 : 19:36:22
Thank you, Seabiscuit!
SeaBiscuit Posted - 09/03/2024 : 19:15:29
You can go cheap and get one off of Amazon for a few hundred but they won't have Sunbrella and you're going to get nylon connectors with an aluminum frame.

Catalina Direct sells Sunbrella with full stainless frames and fittings. So, it's high quality stuff. But it is at somewhat of a!premium price. You can get the same thing here:

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