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Little Wind
Posted - 06/18/2024 : 06:16:14 So when it's time to take my boat to the yard for a bottom job and to get the CB reattached, I'm wondering about the boat running through the water without the board installed. Will water be pushed up through the CB line opening in the pocket? I don't think it would since the boat is meant to move about with the board down and the area where the through hull is located is normally exposed. Just wondering what the thoughts are here. I will try calling Catalina in Largo and see if someone there has a knowledgeable answer too.
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 06/19/2024 : 17:23:26 Often, the workboats in a marina setting will sort of sidle up or raft-up to the stern quarter of the boat with plenty of fenders and lines between. Rather than try to tow a squirrelly boat behind, it might make more sense to use the workboat method. It’s pretty much a standard move…
Little Wind
Posted - 06/18/2024 : 08:06:56 I will either be motoring or towed. But yeah, the boat handles pretty awful when motoring even with the centerboard mounted but brought up. I have always had to lower my CB a bit when motoring out of my slip to get lateral resistance and a kind of pivot point.
Posted - 06/18/2024 : 07:39:26 I don't think you'll get any water in the boat but the problem will be with no lateral resistance you'll have a hard time maintaining forward direction if you have a crosswind. I'd have a support boat assist you to wherever you are headed if it's windy.
Little Wind
Posted - 06/18/2024 : 07:31:53 Yes, centerboard is fully detached. The Vectran cord is not attached.
Posted - 06/18/2024 : 07:12:18 question: Where is the centerboard? I'm assuming its fully detached and not hanging by the cable?
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.