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 Removing the Jib

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Little Wind Posted - 06/14/2024 : 10:52:32
I have reviewed the C-250 Owners Manual and I don't see information on removing the jib from the assembly while leaving the mast up. I want to remove the actual jib canvas so I can clean it and perform some maintenance on it and then re-install it. I will inspect the boat this weekend for myself but am wondering if removing it is possible without lowering the mast.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Little Wind Posted - 06/22/2024 : 20:21:53
I took the jib down today with no issues at all. It was actually very easy. Thanks for the info.
DavidCrosby Posted - 06/14/2024 : 13:18:50
I assume you have a CDI roller furler. You will need a line approximately 25 - 30 feet. It does not need to be anything fancy, it is just a messenger to keep from losing your halyard up the furler.

The sail tack is attached to the top of the furling drum. Disconnect it. If there is bolt rope in the track below the exit opening of the track, raise the sail enough to get the bottom of the bolt rope out of the slot.

The halyard will currently be tied off to the top of the furling drum. Untie it and tie on your messenger line (mentioned above). Start lowering the sail, pulling it out of the slot. Once down, tie off your halyard ends to avoid losing it up the mast.

To raise the sail, reverse the process.

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