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 Replacement Fixtures for Aqua Signal Series 25

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Little Wind Posted - 06/14/2024 : 09:45:07
Does anyone have real world experience with replacing Aqua Signal Series 25 fixtures with some other manufacturer/type? My 96 fixture lenses are pretty worn and the series 25 isn't made any longer. New fixtures that are LED would be a bonus to me.

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GaryB Posted - 06/21/2024 : 23:01:51
See my post titled "Navigation Lights" in the General Sailing Forum for answers to my question about LED replacement lights for my Aqua Signal Series 25 fixture.

As a FYI, I'm not sure any of the fixtures or bulbs mentioned are CG approved but I could be wrong.

I do have one of the Dr. LED bulbs mentioned and the light is very bright and the color looks natural (ie: red looks red, green looks green). The only issues I've had are 1. the bulb tends to blink off and on sometimes when hitting even small waves and 2. I worry about it possibly not being CG approved.

I did just find this CG approved LED replacement fixture at Marine Beam. Looks like the bolt hole pattern may be different but that's a minor issue. This fixture is CG approved.

If you go this route let us know how it turns out.

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