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 Looking to hire help with Cat25 in Portland,OR

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ASola Posted - 08/24/2024 : 11:46:38
I am taking my Catalina25 out of the water in a couple weeks. I live in Portland, OR. The boat is in Merwin Lake (Ariel, WA). I am looking to hire someone who can help me with this. I am neither strong or experienced enough to do this. I need help trailering it out of the water and then taking down the mast.
Thank you,
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bigelowp Posted - 09/01/2024 : 14:11:16
If there are any local Yacht/Boat Clubs I would post there as well. Boat people like to help other boat people!
Steve Milby Posted - 08/24/2024 : 12:42:43
Post this same request on the facebook website also. I'd bet someone in your area, on one of these two websites, will volunteer to help you. Here's the link.

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