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 Clogged telltale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JohnP Posted - 06/29/2024 : 11:44:10
I have had a Tohatsu 9.9hp motor for 3 years now, and I flush the brackish water out of the engine block and impeller with fresh water each time I go out. The telltale flow became reduced this spring. I stuck a sturdy wire an inch or so into the hole to discover it's blocked and cannot be cleared using a wire like that. I surmise that after the telltale tip got blocked, other debris collected behind it.

Could I get access to that tubing, remove it, and clear it out? It's way down in the motor.

Could I ream out the tubing by inserting and rotating a bent wire or the tip of a steel needle?

Air pressure? Push it backwards with water pressure?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Voyager Posted - 06/29/2024 : 17:16:30
You might find a replacement from your local marine parts house, or from a website like
Voyager Posted - 06/29/2024 : 15:28:05
When was the last time you replaced your impeller? That’s the heart of the waterpump keeping your outboard engine cool and flushed with seawater as you motor around.

You’re right, you might just have a clogged water outlet (telltale), you could have something stuck in the engine flush fitting, or the impeller might have failed. Any way you slice it you do not have any water pumping through the block while you’re running. This will make your engine overheat. That could be fatal for the engine.

I wouldn’t run it until I got to the bottom of the problem.

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