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JanS48 Posted - 05/23/2024 : 21:18:48
Greetings everyone - getting things ready for yet another year on the water. This past year I've noticed a LOT more barnacles than ever before ranging from tiny ones to ones 1/2" and even a little larger. This past year there were a few hundred scattered across the bottom. The bottom paint used was blue Sea Choice - I know this is less expensive bottom paint costing approx. $100 a gal. Previously I used Woolsey also an economy brand. I was told that the Sea Choice was the former Woolsey paint. I always got a few barnacles but nothing like this past year.
Unrelated to my C25 my 8 ft tender which stays in the water for the season also had more barnacles than ever before and this used a Petit (white) hard anti fouling paint.
I'm curious if others had a similar experience this past year?
Should I be going for one of the more expensive bottom paints? I see that a number of them go for $200 or more per gal.
Any input would be most welcome.
Thanks in advance.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
islander Posted - 05/25/2024 : 05:45:48
Jan, Keep it in mind that the higher the copper content the better protection you will have but also the higher the price usually will be.
JanS48 Posted - 05/25/2024 : 00:29:48
Thanks for the replys, I'll look into the WM product...
Voyager Posted - 05/24/2024 : 07:42:25
I did not have any more bottom growth in 2023 than prior years, and Newport’s barnacles should be no more pernicious than Long Island Sound’s, so perhaps you got a bad can of paint, or maybe it was not mixed thoroughly when you applied it?
I’m generally at the boat yard during haulout and when they pressure wash my bottom, there’s only a handful of barnacles.
I have used West Marine’s CPP (least expensive) paint retailing for around $140/gal for years, and I only re-paint over thin spots and around the waterline and keel, so generally it’s a multi-season ablative that lasts.
I’m located in a riverine environment, however, I’m so close to the Sound that the water is salty, not fresh.
Have you tried WM’s CPP?
This weekend it’s on sale for $119
islander Posted - 05/24/2024 : 05:08:34
I've been using Marine Products Coastal Copper 450 for years. Great protection and at $135 a gal. with free shipping. It's Multi season ablative.

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