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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dave5041 Posted - 05/20/2024 : 17:39:13
IIIIIIII'm Back! I'm getting Pearl cleaned up, tweaked, and ready to go after several years nd a few hand surgeries and poor Pearl languishing in storage. Trailer needs some bearing attention and registration, outboard is waiting for a new impeller, but hopefully I'll be on the water in a few weeks. I'll turn 80 this fall and my wife says I have no busines on a sailboat, but she thinks I'm senile anyway.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JanS48 Posted - 05/25/2024 : 10:45:58
Greetings Dave, I just turned 76 and not exactly in my prime :) I'm planning on sailing til I can't for whatever reason. My dad made it to 99 and when he was 95 we went for a sail from Newport harbor to point Jude - my dad: Captn Jack was ready to sale out to the Block! Soooo if luck is with me I've still got many sailing years ahead. I sure hope you do to.
Be well Dave
Voyager Posted - 05/23/2024 : 05:42:31
Congratulations Dave! There are still a lot of adventures ahead. Good to hear that you’re back.
Stinkpotter Posted - 05/20/2024 : 21:31:25
Congrats on being back! 80 comes in November for me... I didn't go over to the Dark Side because of age--it was circumstances. But I'm thinking next spring, as a belated 80th birthday present to my knees and back, I'm letting the yard crew paint the bottom--it involves a lot more contortions under my $+!nkp*+ than under my C-25 sitting way up on its fin keel. In the water, what's the worst that can happen--getting confused and heading for Portugal? (...and when you get there, getting sunk by orcas.)

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