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 Defender ‘rope’ sale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Voyager Posted - 03/17/2025 : 11:51:22
Hey all - Defender is having a sale on “cut goods”, like line, wire cable, hose, etc. I’d like to buy some new halyards and I can’t recall whether the C25 uses 5/16” (8mm) or 1/4” line. I’m going for NE Ropes Sta-set polyester. I reckon that 80 ft x 2 or 160ft total should be enough for the halyards for a standard rig with the main led to the cabintop brake, but let me know if I should go a little longer? The jib halyard only needs to go up and down the mast which is about 35ft x 2 or 70 ft.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
OLarryR Posted - 03/17/2025 : 16:37:50

You probably could use either size. I believe 5/16" is what I have for both halyards. I tried checking the manuals and parts list we have linked on the Association Board but could not find halyard dimensions. However, Catalina Direct indicates 5/16" for Cat 25s.


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