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T O P I C    R E V I E W
zeil Posted - 12/21/2024 : 16:11:32

It's by far not the prettiest photo but is the one when we crossed Lake Simcoe and were at the point of entering the marina in Orillia, Ontario, after a stormy crossing. You'll notice the horizontal mast is elevated at bow and stern enabling to fully open the hatch. The boom and mainsail are tied on deck to the stanchions

Re-fitting the entire interior of Mariah in my "happy place" the project took much longer due to coffee breaks, visitors and just because...

"Dry camping" in Monteray Cal. on our way 27,000km (17,000miles) around the continent during 13 months half the time in water and half the time on land. You'll notice the bucket on starboard side for collecting dishwater

Sailing out of Port Hudson, Florida where we spent several months before heading north along the eastern coast line...

(See our trip synopsis posted in the "cruising forum". titled Planning Extended Cruising Synopsis)

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