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 where to Launch San Francisco

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cudamank Posted - 07/17/2024 : 13:32:20
Looking to launch my Catalina 25' FK for some sailing this summer in San Francisco bay. Trailer is heavy tandem axle with Stanches instead of bunks. Looked over Berkely Marina last week. Nice place, and does have a travel left, and crane for Stepping the mast.

Cost and getting to the marina through Berkley may be interesting.

Are there other Marina's that could launch off trailer?

Original plan was to put in up by Stockton and sail/motor through the Delta to the bay.

Appreciate any input.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Voyager Posted - 07/19/2024 : 14:04:34
Russ, that sounds lovely. San Fran is such a beautiful place, and the bay is a gem.
Russ.Johnson Posted - 07/19/2024 : 08:14:32
I love Richmond’s Marina Bay Yacht Harbor.
I’ve launched my C250WB many times.
I’ve also seen a C25-Swing Keel launch there.
The marina is owned by city and had good rates.
I don’t remember a travel-lift.

In Berkeley, once you pass the breakwater you are directly into the wind.
Richmond is more protected.
Sail South to Treasure Island on beam reach.
Sail West to Angel Island and Golden Gate.

There is Richmond and Point Richmond, next door city.
Point Richmond has marinas, but I haven’t used them.


Ask about guest dock rates.
When I rented, launch on Sat.
Sail Sat/Sunday.
Then rent during the week.
Sail Sat/Sunday again and trailer home.

We have a lake house now, so it’s been some time since I sailed the bay.
Voyager Posted - 07/18/2024 : 19:41:27
I did a search for boat ramps on North San Francisco Bay, and Yelp returned 20. Some were on the upper peninsula north of Sausalito, some around Berkeley and Oakland. The delta seems a little far afield frankly, but probably a a nice overnight trip.

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