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 And now changes at Good Old Boat

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bigelowp Posted - 05/28/2024 : 09:01:38
Sooo, just received an email from Good Old Boat that "Sailrite has offered to keep the Good Old Boat website up and running". If I am reading this correctly it appears that Sailrite has acquired all the "intellectual property . . . . includes content from all previously published . . . content". My guess is that making a profit in magazine publishing is more than rough. Will be interested how this plays out, I just hope the magazine remains a magazine and does not morph into an advertising flier for Sailrite.

Cruising World was also sold late last year and while the editorial material has, so far, remained top-notch, the quality of the paper/graphics has deteriorated.
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bigelowp Posted - 06/13/2024 : 10:24:18
Post mortum - my local West Marine still has "Good Old Boat" on the magazine rack -- the last edition.
Voyager Posted - 06/03/2024 : 20:12:11
Peter, that’s great to hear! As you hoped, it “does not morph into an advertising flier for Sailrite.” I think that this is a small risk due to the fact that the archive’s quality will speak for itself.
bigelowp Posted - 06/02/2024 : 14:32:47
Bruce, What was interesting was that Sailright took over the webpage. No "is any body interested I'm taking over . . . " No, but all original content is managed.A month go back we got an email with all past content So, history is in our "Good Old Boat" archive.
Voyager Posted - 06/01/2024 : 08:53:33
Was there any mention about where their archive of prior articles will go? While developing new content — even with unpaid volunteers — may be expensive, the original content should somehow be preserved.

Peter, if there’s any way you could get word back to Bob Perry or Andy Cross, there’s something called “The Wayback Machine” aka where old digital content has been parked for decades.They could upload it to the archive for free.

As an FYI, The Wayback Machine has captured snapshots of 100s/thousands of websites over time from the past. Also digital publications (text, graphics, magazines, audio, video). It’s got an amazing array of digital history.

Of course, many publishers of digital content hate the website because they say that it infringes on their copyrighted materials, nonetheless, they have not been sued out of existence yet…

Even the museums, websites, artwork, publications, and AV content hosted in Ukraine was archived there once the Russian offensive began on an emergency basis.
OLarryR Posted - 05/28/2024 : 20:43:47
Sorry to see it go. I enjoyed reading the articles.
zeil Posted - 05/28/2024 : 10:28:45

We are sad to see the Good Old Boat as a valuable and meaningful publication disappear

It has always been a pleasure to contribute articles about modifications and additions useful to a wide range of boats including our C250

Thank you Karen, Jerry, Karla and staff for the many years you have given to this worthwhile magazine

bigelowp Posted - 05/28/2024 : 09:18:47
Update:This was on a Bob Perry Facebook page per someone named Brandon Ford::

Editor Andy Cross wrote me a couple days ago to say Good Old Boat magazine's publisher and owner, Karla Sandness, has decided to shut down the magazine.
It was not an easy decision for her to make, but skyrocketing operating costs over the past few years — including paper, printing, and shipping — have become too much and there is no viable path forward. After analyzing alternative publishing options from every angle and trying to come up with a more tenable business plan, the result is the same. Deeply cutting costs and even pivoting to a digital only publication was thoroughly analyzed, yet the end result would merely be a temporary fix that would necessitate a substantial price increase to be workable.
The March/April 2024 issue, which we're finishing now, will be our last and will come out in a digital format only.

Bob was a frequent contributor to the magazine. It was my favorite. It will be missed.

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