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 keel to hull repair Capri 25

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jsumrvl Posted - 06/30/2024 : 08:01:46
ran aground and now have a crack all around the keel.
how best to repair?
How to add a fillet at the keel hull joint.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Voyager Posted - 07/01/2024 : 15:54:52
I don’t have a Capri 25 however I’d be wondering if I grounded hard, then had a substantial crack around the keel, whether I had somehow broken something within the framework of the hull. Like the wooden underlayment of the fiberglass for example.
If the boat is hauled out and it is mounted on jackstands it would probably be a simple matter to measure whether the keel was loose. For example, raise up all 6 or 7 jackstands a few turns, and check to see whether the keel is still sitting on the ground, or if it raised up a little. Be careful doing this because the boat is supported by the keel normally when up on jackstands, and the whole setup could go unstable pretty quickly.
If the keel is still solid, then the repair process you outlined would probably work fine.
jsumrvl Posted - 06/30/2024 : 19:03:28
Thanks Joe. That must of been a wild ride.
I am going to talk to the repair shop and see if it would strengthen the joint for the keel and hull by building up a fillet. Sort of like a cove mouilding. Some of the Capri boats have done this at the Wayazta Yacht Club, Minnesota.
My sail number is 443 1988 year.
I sail at the Lake of the Ozarks.
joearcht Posted - 06/30/2024 : 09:15:47
Hi Jim,
I had the same problem on my boat but due to a different cause. A severe broach under spinnaker kept my boat from self righting so I had to climb out on the keel and counter weight the spinnaker to get her back on her feet. The results observed later was a cracked joint.
I used West System Six10 epoxy adhesive. I cleaned the joint down to fiberglass, re-bedded with the adhesive and tooled with a chalking tool. Let it cure and re-coated the hull with VC17.
That was in 2012 and the joint looks as good today as it did when I finished it. Now, I've not broached the boat that bad again but I have had it out in some good breezes.
Good Luck!

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