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 HIN numbers

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Boatman1 Posted - 02/14/2024 : 16:00:21
Where can I find the HIN numbers on my 1984 Capri 25?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stinkpotter Posted - 04/01/2024 : 21:28:07
If you have the "sail number" (usually the hull number), the rest can be reconstructed from Catalina's records. They just need to find the year and month it came out of the mold. How about the last state registration (using the P.O.'s name)?
Voyager Posted - 03/31/2024 : 20:30:19
Hi JDOG, Did you ever find the hull ID numbers? Must’ve been a royal pain in the butt trying to insure or register your boat without it.
Capri25 Posted - 02/15/2024 : 10:15:58
Try looking below the companionway and before the first step along that panel or above that space in the cabin.
Voyager Posted - 02/14/2024 : 21:45:35
It’s not much, but see this link::
Boatman1 Posted - 02/14/2024 : 19:58:13
I think you are right about it being inside somewhere and I half remember coming across is at some point in the last 20 years when I was rummaging around for something else, but now when I need it (for insurance purposes) I cannot find it. Thanks for the helpful advice.
Originally posted by joearcht

Well, something tells me in the deep dark recesses of my memory that there is a second ID inside the boat on the inside of the external hull. But I hesitate to speculate where it would be at this point in time. I suggest you contact Catalina Yachts and see if they can help you. Heck if you know your sail number they may be able to cross reference from that.

joearcht Posted - 02/14/2024 : 18:31:23
Well, something tells me in the deep dark recesses of my memory that there is a second ID inside the boat on the inside of the external hull. But I hesitate to speculate where it would be at this point in time. I suggest you contact Catalina Yachts and see if they can help you. Heck if you know your sail number they may be able to cross reference from that.
Boatman1 Posted - 02/14/2024 : 18:16:09
That is what the yacht brokers all told me but there are no numbers there. I even had all of them down at the boat looking for numbers but no luck.

Originally posted by joearcht

Try looking on the transom, starboard side, right below the rub rail. On my boat I had to put a piece of paper over it and brush with a pencil to lift the image enough to read.

Good luck

joearcht Posted - 02/14/2024 : 18:13:22
Try looking on the transom, starboard side, right below the rub rail. On my boat I had to put a piece of paper over it and brush with a pencil to lift the image enough to read.

Good luck
Voyager Posted - 02/14/2024 : 18:10:25
On your boat registration form? In the insurance documentation. And perhaps on a flat spot molded into your boat’s transom. Often it’s etched into the gelcoat with a scribe.

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