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 Fresh water tank size
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Initially Posted - 02/01/2023 :  10:47:37  Show Profile
Does anyone know the capacity of the fresh water tank that is installed under the aft end of the v-berth? (on the boats that have them)

Edit: Nevermind! It's 12 gallons. Found it in my paperwork, thanks for looking at my post though!

Edited by - Jacob on 02/01/2023 11:45:25

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 02/01/2023 :  18:30:10  Show Profile
Just a comment: people have reported varying results with their built-in water tanks.
Some folks love them and use them to hold drinking water, others have experienced a persistent mold problem with the tanks.
In some cases, it’s a constant battle to flush out the tank monthly with pool chlorine or fungicides.
Others use the water for washing hands or dishes.
Many folks use plastic bottled water (liters or gallons) stowed in a cooler or locker.
What’s the state of your water tank?

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT

Edited by - Voyager on 02/02/2023 14:17:47
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Response Posted - 02/03/2023 :  19:42:57  Show Profile  Visit DavidCrosby's Homepage
I put tab water in my tank the first time I used it and it turned into a foul mess pretty quick. After that, I added an inspection port. Cleaned it thoroughly and now I only put distilled water in the tank. I leave distilled water in all summer and have no problems. I use the water in the tank for dishes, etc. and carry water bottles for drinking.

My two cents!

David Crosby "Small World"
'02 C250 WK #614
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Response Posted - 02/04/2023 :  07:15:36  Show Profile
Hi, All! I gave up on the on-board water tank, it just more trouble than i had time for, and you never know how safe the water quality is. I just use bottled water. But the boat trim is out due to the lack of ballast forward. So i use bottled water slinked wrapped in the forward bilge aera to counter the weight. And you never run out of water!!!
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Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 02/04/2023 :  08:16:38  Show Profile
Onboard water tanks are good for people making long passages, when you need to carry enough potable water to last the passage. For weekend sailors it's easier to use bottled water. For me, the biggest negative was in winterizing them in the fall and flushing the antifreeze from the lines in the spring. I also felt no need for hot water. I used the marina showers. At anchor on a short cruise I freshened up with baby wipes or took "duck baths" or jumped overboard with a bar of soap to cool off and freshen up. On long passages, it's functional to bathe on deck with a bucket of seawater and a bar of soap.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
Past Commodore
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Response Posted - 02/04/2023 :  10:02:21  Show Profile
Steve, that sounds like a solid plan. For showers after a hot sticky day, I use a Coleman solar shower, which provides a few gallons of fresh water in a black plastic bag equipped with a spray head. It’s great for rinsing off after a swim in saltwater. Here’s a link for the shower

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 02/09/2023 :  09:50:48  Show Profile
Originally posted by DavidCrosby

I put tab water in my tank the first time I used it and it turned into a foul mess pretty quick. After that, I added an inspection port. Cleaned it thoroughly and now I only put distilled water in the tank. I leave distilled water in all summer and have no problems. I use the water in the tank for dishes, etc. and carry water bottles for drinking.

My two cents!

Sounds like a solid plan. Does distilled water actually not go bad like tap water does? And do you just buy it by the gallon and pour it in? Oh and one more question, I saw your post about your tiller extension, where about do you cruise at on the Mississippi? I am on the Mississippi a little North of St. Louis, Mo.
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 02/09/2023 :  12:39:56  Show Profile
I put a pint or so of the nice smelling bleach in my tank then fill it with dock water from a dock hose. I never had a problem with it going bad. I also pressurized my system and added an aft shower to rinse the salt water off when I come up the ladder. Needless to say we dont drink the water but its good for cleaning and showers. Since it is pressurized come the end of the season just open a faucet and let it run dry to winterize it.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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Response Posted - 02/09/2023 :  13:45:49  Show Profile  Visit DavidCrosby's Homepage
Originally posted by Jacob

Sounds like a solid plan. Does distilled water actually not go bad like tap water does? And do you just buy it by the gallon and pour it in? Oh and one more question, I saw your post about your tiller extension, where about do you cruise at on the Mississippi? I am on the Mississippi a little North of St. Louis, Mo.

Yes, I buy the distilled water by the gallon and pour it in. I have been doing this for about 10 years. It has never gone foul on me. Being distilled, there is no minerals or other things that can foul.

I keep my boat at Carlyle Lake, IL. West Access Marina. Many years ago, when I had my Morgan 30, I kept it at Sioux Harbor. When I did my trip down the Mississippi I launched at Harbor Point Yacht Club (West Alton).

David Crosby "Small World"
'02 C250 WK #614
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Response Posted - 08/21/2023 :  15:43:07  Show Profile
I would like to permanently winterize the freshwater system. Am I stuck with using antifreeze or can it be purged completely?

Tim Kromholtz, Bayview, ID
2001 Catalina 250WK 2023
1978 Ranger 20 2005-2023
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 08/21/2023 :  18:09:25  Show Profile
FWIW -- my "fresh" water tank supplies my head (also have raw water option) my "potable" water is from 5 gallon "Poland spring" water. So . . . I winterize fresh water system for head, but drink from water from "bottled" water from shore.

Peter Bigelow
C-25 TR/FK #2092 Limerick
Rowayton, Ct
Port Captain: Rowayton/Norwalk/Darien CT
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