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 Patching Nicks on a Wing Keel

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RPLieser Posted - 06/28/2022 : 15:48:55
I recently picked up a 250WK and there are a number of nicks on the leading edge of the wing. Documentation suggests this is epoxy, not resin.

Does anyone have information on patching/smoothing these edges?


-Patrick (250WK #973, PO 250WB #312)
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Steve Milby Posted - 05/22/2023 : 17:32:15
I can't think why you need to put anything on it now. I'd wait until you do the full bottom job. The Interlux barrier paint recommends that you apply each coat within a specific time after the previous coat, and that you apply the antifouling paint also within that time period. It helps each successive coat to bond securely to the previous coat and it eliminates the need to apply a primer at any point in the process. The barrier paint forms tiny platelets. With each coat, the platelets bond tightly and overlap each other, and that's what resists water penetration.
RPLieser Posted - 05/22/2023 : 16:57:38
A bit delayed on this project, but the Marine-Tex worked great, THANKS. While I was at it, I hit the few small blisters with the Dremel and Marine-Tex as well.

I've decided, at least for the moment, to trailer-sail this Summer (no slips available on the Calif. Central Coast) and not do the boat bottom for the short stays in the ocean. When I do the full bottom, it will be a barrier plus a hard or semi-hard anti-foul to keep things trailer-friendly.

However, I do want to put a coat of epoxy-based product on the wing keel and rudder, as I've faired them out nicely. What say y'all... should I just go with the Interlux or Pettit barrier product only keeping it "ready" for the larger job?
Thank you!
RPLieser Posted - 07/04/2022 : 16:52:31
Thanks Paul... just ordered some Marine Tex, reads perfect for the job.
slacker Posted - 07/01/2022 : 08:10:51
Tough to say without pictures but for small gouges and cracks I've had good luck with Marine Tex but there are other products out there that work just as well

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