The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Frank - You were my hero, I cannot bear to think that you are leaving. I have enjoyed reading about all that you have done to your boats and about your adventures. Anytime I log into the association I hope there would be news and maybe a couple of pictures posted by you. I am really very sad. I do hope everything is well with you and your family and I wish you well. You are a real gem.
Some news I have been meaning to post for a while now are, that our Innisfree also has a new home now. After owning her for 7 years and bringing her back to the best she has ever looked aside straight from the factory and outfitting her with a full suite of those wonderful sails from Ullman including that loose footed fully battened main (which I would recommend to anyone who is contemplating a new main sail). In short all new everyhing and a brand new dodger. (Another improvement I would recommend to everyone, it changed the whole boat and made it feel a lot bigger.) She has been donated to a New Jersey chapter of the Sea Scouts and it is with great joy we know she will continue to enlighten young soul's and perhaps spawn a new Americas Cup Skipper. We have in her place now an 1984 Ericson 30+ which is keeping us on our toes.
But leaving the Catalina family for us does not mean not roaming this association looking for great ideas and inspiration from the greats; you know who you are Frank Hopper and Jim from San Diego (don't you leave us also). Many, many thanks.
<font color="blue"><font size="1">Friends and Sailing Enthusiast,
As of the August issue of the Main Sheet Magazine, our Current Technical Editor Frank Hopper will be calling it quits Frank has served this organization for many years and is now ready to pass on the torch to someone with perhaps a new view and full of new ideas. We will miss Frank, and we thank him for his years of service and advice. The floor is now open to fill this very important vacancy, so if you can spell "BOAT" and know your way around the insides of our class, please let me know, we will need to fill this position ASAP for a smooth transition.
------------------------------------ Bill Meinert Commodore Sailing Longwind #1408</font id="size1"></font id="blue">
Is there some sort of Viking farewell ?
Does Frank sail off into the sunset in a blazing longboat after resigning as Tech Editor?
Will Frank ever make it back safely from this ordeal to rejoin the ranks of the living Catalina sailors?
Edit: Happy sailing to you, Hanne and Kevin, on your new Erickson 30.
Few people have made a greater contribution to this organization than Frank Hopper. Frank, you will be missed. On behalf of the newbies and old salts, thank you for everything.
Frank was probably the sole reason I stayed on the board for as long as I did. Both here and in the mainsheet he has helped countless people with myriads of project.
Now - on to the details - As far as I know he's just not going to write anymore for the Mainsheet - so unless I missed a post somewhere he isn't going anywhere as far as the website is concerned.
Secondly - If Frank is Loose, that his his business and if it is sad that is none of my business.
Third, if that was spelled incorrectly (and I am guessing it is) then it header/title of this post sounds pretty morose.
Frank was not only a gentleman who was a great resource for this community, he has also contributed to the greater good by his sharing his knowledge, enthusiasm of sailing, and supporting fellow sailors.
Because of the archive and past posts, Frank's contributions will continue to support and help navigators of the soft.
Thanks for the kind words guys. We dropped the mast in a gale, (it was as if she wasn't supposed to go), but good friends were at hand and go she did. As she left the club for Texas the wind let up and the sky cleared, she was excited to get to her next adventure. I am not boatless. Last night I bought an '02 Hobie Getaway and a sleeping bag. It is time to reduce sailing to the bare essentials and I look forward to it. We are having a group of friends over Sunday, we all raised our children together as young couples and are going to have our grandkids meet. They will all be shocked to hear I sold my keel boat, as we toast her new owners and horizons I will certainly toast all of you as well.
Looks like the Hobie should be some fun, the website says it can carry six adults; that's a good group. Cats are fun and cover water quickly. I'm glad you are not giving up sailing, just shifting gears for the time being.
Help name the boat if you like, these are some of the local suggestions...
Ninnescah Whiner Bottoms Up Duet Puddle Hopper Cheap Seats Squid and the Whale Rendezvous Deux Plastic Fantastic Blow Hard Bag 'O Wind Mobie Hobie Get-aweigh SpongeBob Plastic Pants Berth Control Boatweiser Frank-n-plastic
I'm with Puddle Hopper! Sounds like great bare knuckle sailing Frank, and you sure have the lake for it. I have fond memories of my parents' 18 ft lake cat. They had me on one hull when I was 1 year old. I remember how pumped up they would get when racing.
I'm with Puddle Hopper! Sounds like great bare knuckle sailing Frank, and you sure have the lake for it. I have fond memories of my parents' 18 ft lake cat. They had me on one hull when I was 1 year old. I remember how pumped up they would get when racing.
I guess the swimming is very nice in your lake, right?
Frank and I did not always see eye to eye, but there's no question he has been a great resource to the Association and the website. I have no doubt he will enjoy his Hobie, which seems to me to be a much better boat choice for his lake than a C25.
Most of my friends sail 27 to 30 foot boats and I cannot do that. So now I will sail off our club beaches and take a lot more showers. I am leaning toward Cheap Seats as the name but Puddle Hopper has gotten a lot of votes
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.